Hearing your animal speak to you is a whole lot more fun than hearing yourself!!! And yet the number one challenge for animal communication students is quieting the busy mind.
As you know, we live in an endlessly complex world and our minds are trying to help us make sense of it. Our thoughts are not the enemy. That said, there is a time and place for everything, and animal communication is definitely not the time to be thinking!
Some suggestions:
1. Write down all your worries and thoughts right before you settle in to practice. Promise yourself that you will resume thinking about them as soon as you are done.
2. Up your curiosity. Remind yourself that your perspective is limited. Your animal can offer you new and important information. When you are curious, all your senses come to attention and you actually stop thinking. You are open to receiving.
3. Tell yourself that you have thought about whatever you are thinking so much, you can’t possibly have any new thoughts on the subject. That tends to give pause ;)
4. Ask yourself “Is there anything I’m afraid would happen if I let my mind get quiet?” and fully answer it. Sometimes the answer is something like “I’m afraid I’ll feel sad.” Be your best friend about it and work it through.
5. Prioritize peace. Want quiet more than you want to be right or figure something out. Go somewhere you can’t be interrupted or distracted. No animals. No phone. No other people. Breathe deep and slow. Relax your muscles. Do steps 1-4 as many times as needed.
One more thought: You are your own best expert on you. Ask yourself what would help you to be the eye of the hurricane, to be able to have lots whirling around you but be insulated from it. I bet you have even better answers than I came up with.
And then Quiet Your Mind and Enjoy!
PS I also have guided Quieting Your Mind exercises in my Speaking Soul-to-Soul Audio Course on the Store page.